Manuscript Preparation:
1. The whole text, references, tables and figure legends should be typed in 12 pt Times New Roman font and double-spaced throughout. All pages including lines should be numbered consecutively starting with title pagein MS Word.
2. Title page should contain an appropriate title not exceeding 80 characters or 10–15 words, yet sufficiently descriptive and informative, a short running title of 3–4 words, Author(s) name(s), address of the Institute(s)/Organisation(s), corresponding author address with phone, mobile, e-mail, fax number and ORCID id. Subsequent pages should contain—Title, Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Material & Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement, References, Tables, Figures and figure legends. Manuscripts available in a repository will only be considered. Table, Figures and photographs must be submitted in separated page(s) as supplementary file(s).
3. Abstracts- Should clearly state the objective/s of the paper along with major findings/results, not exceeding 200 words.
4. Keywords - About three to five key words in alphabetical order, separated by semicolon.
5. Section- All the section heads/titles (including references) will be in Times New Roman, Bold, 12 Fonts and Left Aligned, (e.g. :1 Introduction, 2. Material & Methods, 3. Results, 4. Discussion, 5. Conclusion, Acknowledgement, References, Tables, Figures and figure legends) with numbering.
6. Text- The entire texts will be in MS Word, Times New Roman, 12 Fonts, double Spaced and in single column format.
7. Figures & Table- All Tables and Figures’ titles will be in Times New Roman, 12 Fonts, bold, and placed below and centered with the tables and figures. The figures and tables should have numbering (e.g. : Fig. -1 : ____ , Table-1 : ____ ).
8. Ethical guidelines: Research papers dealing with experiments on human or animal subjects must state in the Material & Methods section that: (i) informed and free consent was obtained from the participants/patients/relatives of the patients/parents or legal guardians of minors and should attach the ethical clearance certificate from the institution/organisation or similar committee/ agency; and (ii) the maintenance and care of the experimental animals is as per the guidelines for use of laboratory animals in research specified by the Animal Ethics Committee of the Institute/Organisation
9. Use British or American English throughout the text.
10. Avoid the use of passive voice as far as possible.
11. A good quality of the language is the responsibility of the author.
12. References– Please follow the APA 7th style reference citation.
13. The Maximum word count of the full article including all referencesis 8,000.
14. We first check the manuscript for plagiarism and quality of language.
15. The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right not to send the manuscript for review if it fails to proves its originality as well as the quality of language.
16. Page charges: There is no page charges for publication in the journal.
17. The authors have to sign a declaration form and copyright agreement formbefore publication in the journal (available in the website) and must be submitted with the duly filled up forms while submitting the manuscript.
18. All correspondences should be made to the Chief Editor.
19. The manuscript should be submitted through Journal website only. The Journal does not bear any responsibility for the manuscript submitted by other means or in other places.
20. No phone call will be entertained.
21. Only the relevant queries via email will be addressed.